Around the world in 80 ways

I had the pleasure of hearing author of Only Planet, Ed Gillespie speak this morning. Gillespie traveled the world without the use of airplanes with the purpose to spread the message of the importance of global warming and how much of a carbon footprint air travel has.

I’m not convinced.

I found Gillespie spoke more of one solution, and not enough about the root problems. We indulge in carbon rich activities every day without even knowing. I believe a greater understanding and effort in the little things can still leave room for the joys and education that exposure to different cultures will provide.

Eat local. 95% of the fruit in your grocery store has been on a plane this week. If our food doesn’t fly, we can fly.

Buy less. I posted a few weeks ago the impact that our clothing has on the environment.

Wash your clothes less! We aren’t that dirty! Detergent is a huge polluter, washers use way too much water, and dryers suck energy. Do your jeans smell funky? Throw them in the freezer for two days, same effect, far less resources.

And as always, avoid plastic bottles and plastic bags.